thanks to tijsmfz*, i'm OT-ing at home with this--
still, i like it. it's better to turn 'tea-olic' instead of alcoholic, no?
遠く離れても 明日が見えなくても
Mada, hitori desuyo.
Hitori jyanai? when will that be?
i almost teared when i read kfsbme*'s "Personal Conundrums..." on FB, which goes like this --
- To put out a fire when you are not willing to search for the source.
- To travel via coach when you've been flying for years.
- To break someone to pieces because YOU think it's the right thing to do.
- To forgive those who are unworthy of forgiving.
- To express sufficient gratitude to those who helped in different times of your life in different ways.
- To believe in god when you don't believe in the church.
- To identify the line not to cross in all your relationships.
- To stay healthy when you can't exercise properly in an environment of unhealthy choices of food.
- To keep your cool when deep inside you've already pictured how their guts look when you rip it out of 'em.
- To stay unchanged in different stages of your life.
*edited version: a few sentences that were '???' were removed and not included in this entry.
no fanciful must-flip-dictionary vocabularies. but there, it just touches me! probably because the kfsbme* i know for ages, together with zfohybj*, are well-known for their lamest jokes, that i always take HOURS to finish one meal if with them ('coz i can't stop giggling).
-amused mood-
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